

Failure to comply to any of these rules will result in one warning and then automatically blacklisted.

1. Only request one fic at a time. As it is, this is an independently run site, and I not only have other sites I commit my time to, but also real life calls.

2. Please allow at least 2-3 weeks for completion. If you requested for a twoshot/threeshot, it may take longer.

3. Be sure to choose the correct form as they are slightly different. If you want your fic to star an idol pair, please choose the request form for that, otherwise choose the OC request form if you'd like an OC to star alongside your choice of idol.

4. Once you submit your form, please leave a comment in the cbox, which can be found by clicking the 'contact' box.

5. This isn't really a rule, but more like a suggestion: If you wish to request a fic starring anyone other than the ones listed in my profile, I am more than likely going to take a very long time with that request. If you'd like to work somthing out, please email me at kingredlily@gmail.com.

6. Follow the rules. Simple.

7. To make sure you have it all down, please write the name of your favourite idol group and then 'is amazingly awesome' right after. Please write this in the 'Anything Else' box.
